Impact on the Organization

Today, individuals face unrelenting change in both their personal and business lives. Without effective strategies for coping with change they can easily become overwhelmed. Even if the challenges they face are personal, their problems can directly impact morale and business performance. Indirectly, their personal problems can impact their colleagues, creating a domino effect that damages the entire organization. Fortunately, proven skills and techniques exist for handling personal change more positively and with greater confidence. These techniques can also help employees identify patterns of conditioning and experience that may be limiting their success. They can then learn how to escape these patterns, and manage change more effectively in all areas of life.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand how our conditioning affects our ability to deal with change
  • Learn to view change both as a challenge and as an opportunity
  • Enhance your ability to stay in control even under difficult circumstances
  • Set positive goals
  • Develop business and personal action plans that work

Program Description

In this module, participants will examine what holds them back from being as effective as they can be. They will learn how individuals often “lock on” to attitudes or beliefs that may limit their effectiveness, and will master the tools they need to change. They will learn a practical, start-to-finish goal-setting process. Next, they will be given an opportunity to develop both business and personal goals and action plans to realize these goals. Finally, participants will be introduced to proven strategies for building personal self-confidence and self-esteem.

Time Investment

Typically 4 hours.


This program can be customized to reflect your organization’s procedures, policies, cases, examples, and terminology. Please inquire about these optional consulting services.

