Impact on the Organization

Organizations can no longer succeed merely by reacting to events. They must proactively plan to take  control of their futures. Since their resources are limited, their plans must  be carefully designed to return maximum value. To achieve maximum value, leaders and team members need strong expertise in  setting realistic goals, organizing for action, developing effective tactics,  and reinforcing good performance.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn how to become a more  effective leader by linking your company vision, values, organizational goals,  and personal goals
  • Identify  and master the critical elements of goal-setting at both an organizational and  employee level
  • Develop a goal flow-down  and reinforcement plan for your entire organization

Program Description

This  highly interactive and comprehensive module focuses on the importance and  techniques of careful planning and organization, and aids participants in  setting optimal goals. Participants learn how to identify personal and company  vision and values; define strategies for organizing; and set S.M.A.R.T. goals.  Next, they create plans designed to reinforce the new skills and behaviors needed  to achieve the goals they have defined. Through a simulation, participants will  learn the high cost of poor planning and the crucial importance of clear goals.  Participants will interact with the  instructor and each other, experiencing exercises and practice sessions that reinforce their skills by meaningfully  applying them to everyday work situations.

Time Investment

Typically 4 hours, but can easily be expanded to reflect organizational  content or additional requirements.


This program can be customized to reflect your organization’s procedures, policies, cases, examples, and terminology. Please inquire about these optional consulting services.
