Impact on the Organization

As organizations either hire from outside or develop and promote their employees to leadership positions, one crucial element of management “training” is often overlooked: defining the role of managers within your specific organization. If you fail to do so, you set your new managers up for failure. Conversely, when you give them clear roles and marching orders, you go a long way towards helping them succeed.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the critical skills required of an effective manager
  • Make the connection between possessing excellent interpersonal communication skills and accomplishing critical tasks
  • Identify the specific skills necessary for being effective in your organization
  • Create a personal development plan to enhance your own chances of success

Program Description

Too often managers are promoted or brought in and never actually shown how to be successful – or even what success means in the organization. Through hands-on simulations and practical exercises, this module helps managers clearly define their specific roles within their organizations. The module focuses on having each participant identify where they are clear about their responsibilities, and where they require more information and skills in order to manage effectively. It helps participants create individual development plans that reflect key area interfaces, knowledge, background information, challenges, and skill development. As participating managers learn skills that can promote their own success in your organization, they will also learn how to help subordinate managers clarify their roles and build their skills – thereby making the entire team more successful.

Time Investment

Typically 4 hours.


This program can be customized to reflect your organization’s procedures, policies, cases, examples, and terminology. Please inquire about these optional consulting services.
